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Oral Care - Researched Articles on the Latest in Oral Care News

How A TMJ Disorder Might Be Affecting Your Sleep

How A TMJ Disorder Might Be Affecting Your Sleep

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

TMJ is a disorder that affects the jaw. It can cause pain and make it difficult to chew, which is bad enough. However, if you have TMJ, it may also be affecting your sleep in several different ways.

What Is TMJ And How Do You Treat It?

What Is TMJ And How Do You Treat It?

TMJ disorder can cause you to experience excruciating pain. The good news is that it can usually be managed with home remedies.

Written By Meghan Belnap / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

How Your TMJ Disorder And Tooth/Jaw Pain Are Related

How Your TMJ Disorder And Tooth/Jaw Pain Are Related

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Did you know that tooth pain results in roughly 15 million missed workdays per year and that a study  found that 55 percent of adults reported experiencing a toothache within the previous six months?  Toothaches are very common and may be associated with a Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. TMJ disorders also commonly cause jaw pain and some people even struggle to eat and talk.

What Causes TMJ Disorder And How To Cure It

What Causes TMJ Disorder And How To Cure It

TMJ or temporomandibular joint disease is caused when there is stress on the joint connecting the skull and the jaw, affecting its functioning. This joint is responsible for controlling the facial and jaw muscles while eating, talking or moving the jaw upwards, downwards or sideways.


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