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Oral Care - Researched Articles on the Latest in Oral Care News

What Is TMJ And How Do You Treat It?

What Is TMJ And How Do You Treat It?

TMJ disorder can cause you to experience excruciating pain. The good news is that it can usually be managed with home remedies.

Written By Meghan Belnap / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

4 Unexpected Causes For Migraines You Should Look Into

4 Unexpected Causes For Migraines You Should Look Into

Written By Lizzie Weakley / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

As anyone who experiences frequent migraines knows, there’s more to the condition than a few bad headaches. Varying and progressive pain makes it difficult to concentrate, work and even sleep, which compounds with many of the potential underlying causes to create a dangerous cycle. Managing migraines usually hinges on identifying and addressing the cause, so pain management often requires the aid of a medical professional.
Could Arthritis Be Giving You TMJ Pain?

Could Arthritis Be Giving You TMJ Pain?

Written By Shen Chao / Reviewed By Ray Spotts  

A temporomandibular joint syndrome occurs when the joint connecting your jaw to your skull is damaged. Arthritis could be one of the reasons why you are experiencing jaw pain. Regular activities like chewing, swallowing and speaking become a more difficult task. This may cause pain in the ears and other parts of the face. Arthritis can damage your jaw depending on the type of arthritis you have. TMJ that occurs as a result of osteoarthritis or inflammation from rheumatoid arthritis could deteriorate the functioning of your TMJ. The swelling and degradation of the disc can result in a TMJ disorder diagnosis.

5 Exercises To Relax Your Jaw And Alleviate TMJ

5 Exercises To Relax Your Jaw And Alleviate TMJ

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Your jaw muscles work in unison to assist you in talking, eating or doing any work that involves your mouth. Some people have the habit of mobilizing the jaws subconsciously, like during sleep, when they tend to grind their teeth, without their immediate knowledge. This faulty habit is known as bruxism, and it causes continuous stress to your jaw and also wears away the tooth structure, causing sensitive inner layers to get exposed, which produces several problems of their own.

What Causes TMJ Disorder And How To Cure It

What Causes TMJ Disorder And How To Cure It

TMJ or temporomandibular joint disease is caused when there is stress on the joint connecting the skull and the jaw, affecting its functioning. This joint is responsible for controlling the facial and jaw muscles while eating, talking or moving the jaw upwards, downwards or sideways.


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