Oral Care - Researched Articles on the Latest in Oral Care News

What Is TMJ And How Do You Treat It?
TMJ disorder can cause you to experience excruciating pain. The good news is that it can usually be managed with home remedies.
Written By Meghan Belnap / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

4 Unexpected Causes For Migraines You Should Look Into
Written By Lizzie Weakley / Reviewed By Ray Spotts
As anyone who experiences frequent migraines knows, there’s more to the condition than a few bad headaches. Varying and progressive pain makes it difficult to concentrate, work and even sleep, which compounds with many of the potential underlying causes to create a dangerous cycle. Managing migraines usually hinges on identifying and addressing the cause, so pain management often requires the aid of a medical professional.
As anyone who experiences frequent migraines knows, there’s more to the condition than a few bad headaches. Varying and progressive pain makes it difficult to concentrate, work and even sleep, which compounds with many of the potential underlying causes to create a dangerous cycle. Managing migraines usually hinges on identifying and addressing the cause, so pain management often requires the aid of a medical professional.

Oral Health Provides Clues About Eating Disorders
Here are some of the ways your oral health can result in an eating disorder.