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Oral Care - Researched Articles on the Latest in Oral Care News

Tooth Pain And What it Means

Tooth Pain And What it Means

There are many causes of tooth pain, but all need to be addressed by a dentist.

Written By Kassandra Foreman / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

9 Best Essential Oils For Tooth Pain, Grinding, Cavities And Whitening

9 Best Essential Oils For Tooth Pain, Grinding, Cavities And Whitening

Written By Sophia Cooper / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

The use of essential oils as medicine started thousands of years ago. People would drink them or apply them topically to treat conditions like acne and indigestion. It is until recently, however, that physicians unlocked the hidden potential of these gems.
When To Use An Emergency Dentist And When To Schedule A Normal Appointment

When To Use An Emergency Dentist And When To Schedule A Normal Appointment

If you aren't sure what to do in the event of a dental emergency, the following guide can help you decide.

Written By Meghan Belnap / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

4 Signs Your Teeth Grinding Is Getting Out Of Control

4 Signs Your Teeth Grinding Is Getting Out Of Control

Written By Anica Oaks / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Our body does some unusual things while we sleep. Among these unusual behaviors, teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can be one of the most harmful. Over time, this grinding together of your teeth can lead to tooth decay and loss, a condition that can typically be avoided. In order to address this issue, though, you first have to know it exists. If you think you might struggle with teeth grinding, here are four signs it is getting out of control.
Oral Pain - What Can You Do?

Oral Pain - What Can You Do?

There are some at-home remedies and ways in which you can reduce the pain and symptoms of a toothache or oral pain.

Written By Abigail Wise / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Protect Your Child From Dental Emergencies

Protect Your Child From Dental Emergencies

Find out how you can save your child from the discomforts of tooth pain by preventing dental emergencies.

How Your TMJ Disorder And Tooth/Jaw Pain Are Related

How Your TMJ Disorder And Tooth/Jaw Pain Are Related

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Did you know that tooth pain results in roughly 15 million missed workdays per year and that a study  found that 55 percent of adults reported experiencing a toothache within the previous six months?  Toothaches are very common and may be associated with a Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. TMJ disorders also commonly cause jaw pain and some people even struggle to eat and talk.



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