Oral Care - Researched Articles on the Latest in Oral Care News

How To Treat And Prevent Periodontitis

Sore Gums: What You Can Do To Relieve The Pain
When your gums feel sore, it can be hard to concentrate on anything else. That type of pain isn’t easy to ignore. And ignore you shouldn’t for it could be a sign of something more serious.
Written By Jennifer Raskin / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Tooth Pain And What it Means
There are many causes of tooth pain, but all need to be addressed by a dentist.
Written By Kassandra Foreman / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

How To Know If Your Toothache Is An Urgent Issue

What To Do If You Get Gum Boils
The good news is that gum boils can be treated effectively, so while it might not be pleasant to discover you have them, your dentist can help get your mouth back on the road to recovery!
Written By Jennifer Raskin / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Swollen Gums – What To Do
Here are some of the primary causes of swollen gums.
Written By Abigail Wise / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

How To Avoid Swollen Gums And What To Do When You Get Them
When your gums are healthy, they’re a nice light pink. But when they’re swollen, they’re in need of dental care with the guidance of your dentist. Swollen gums may appear to bulge out near where they meet with the teeth. They also look red rather than pink.

Swollen Gums: The Signs, Symptoms And Dangers

How To Prevent And Treat Swollen Gums
Reviewed by Ray Spotts
The best way to prevent swollen gums is by eating a balanced diet and practicing good oral hygiene each and every day. Keeping oral bacteria in balance will prevent the body's need to respond to infection, omitting the symptom of swollen gums. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables and omitting sugar intake will reduce the bacteria in your mouth that causes swollen gums.