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Oral Care - Researched Articles on the Latest in Oral Care News

How Acidic Foods And Drinks Affect Your Teeth

How Acidic Foods And Drinks Affect Your Teeth

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Teeth have a layer of enamel over them that protects them from damage such as cavities, and protects the inner tooth and root from pain and erosion. Once the outer layer has been worn off or damaged it does not replace itself so it must be cared for.

How Acidic Foods And Beverages Affect Your Teeth

How Acidic Foods And Beverages Affect Your Teeth

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Parents always tell their kids, “That drink is going to damage your teeth!” While you may have thought they were just trying to scare you, your parents were actually right. Foods and beverages that are high in acidic levels can have adverse effects on your teeth and oral health.



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