The Health Blog
Stay Healthy, the Natural Way
The Top Supplements For Immune Health
Some of the best supplements that can be used to improve immune health are listed here.
How Business Technology Is Helping Healthcare Professionals
Reviewed By Ray Spotts The healthcare industry is rapidly changing with the onset of new technology. With this in mind, traditional practices are being replaced by electronic medical records and online patient portals. These platforms have helped alleviate some of the most tedious aspects of healthcare administration for physicians and staff members alike while also providing a more efficient means to connect patients with their providers. This blog post will discuss how business technology can help your hospital or clinic be more productive and efficient.
How To Get Urgent Healthcare Using Telecommunication
Reviewed By Ray Spotts Some individuals who face difficulty concentrating or lack a sense of patience are unaware they are battling a common obstacle. However, resourceful assistance exists specifically for them and other individuals who can relate. Getting help from a reliable doctor can be accomplished quickly using various techniques. Several relevant aspects of healthcare are crucial to know regarding remote alternatives to on-site counseling.
7 Severe Health Consequences Of Addiction
Reviewed By Ray Spotts If you or a loved one is suffering from drug or alcohol addiction, it's important to realize just how bad it can affect your health. Not only can addiction damage your physical health, but it can cause serious harm to your mental and emotional health as well.
Health Insurance: How To Select The Right One
Reviewed By Ray Spotts For many Americans, picking between health insurance quotes is something they must do on an annual basis. Failing to have coverage can mean risking your health, but getting the wrong coverage can entail risking your financial health.
4 Easy Tips To Avoid Burnout As A Travel Nurse
Reviewed By Ray Spotts Nursing is a demanding career in which you spend all day caring for your sick patients. If you do not take the time to properly care for yourself during a travel assignment, you put yourself at risk for burnout. Job burnout is an overwhelming burden experienced from the work that leaves you exhausted, stressed and questioning your career choice. Burnout is bad for your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, so it is crucial to understand what it is and how to avoid it.
Top Health Benefits Of Drinking Tea
Reviewed By Ray Spotts You love your morning coffee, and maybe a bottle of fresh water with lunch, but you may be missing out on a healthy, great-tasting treat. Tea is wonderful for your body and mind and goes down smoothly, warming you up, and winding you down on chilly days. Here are just a few ways that tea helps improve your health:
Understanding The Importance Of Getting Specialized Care For Your Neurological Disorder
Reviewed By Ray Spotts A neurological disorder is something that affects the brain and nerves extending throughout the body and spinal cord. Neurological disorders can lead to various disabilities such as autism, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, brain tumors, and learning disabilities. Some neurological disorders appear before birth, while others occur due to tumors, trauma, infections, structural defects, or degeneration. People with neurological disorders require specialized care because it causes damages leading to impairment. Below are some of the reasons that make specialized care crucial.
4 Daily Choices That Influence Your Metabolic Health
Reviewed By Ray Spotts Your metabolism is how your body changes what you consume into energy. The process involves breaking down cells into essential parts and using them as fuel for your system. A strong, healthy metabolic rate allows you to remain active, feel good and burn calories throughout the day. Those that struggle to keep up with others, lose weight or feel tired may have a weaker metabolic breakdown. Could you improve your current state? Studies indicate that lifestyle choices do play a role in how someone's metabolism functions. By making some choices daily, you could improve your system.
Best Vitamins To Take For Each Season
Reviewed By Ray Spotts Supplements are a simple, effective way to ensure you're getting all the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. Taking the same supplements for lengthy periods without evaluating your needs will not give you the results you're seeking, though. Changing variables in your environment throughout the year means your intake of specific vitamins and minerals may also vary. Below you will find suggested supplements to take depending on the season. As always, check with your doctor before adding supplements to your diet.
Signs You May Be Suffering From A Niacin Deficiency
Reviewed By Ray Spotts You may have heard plenty about niacin but aren't sure how it works in the human body. It's also known as vitamin B3, and niacin plays a major role in turning the food you eat into energy by aiding enzymes. This key vitamin also helps to keep your skin clear and healthy. While most people get enough niacin from their diet, others do not and can develop a niacin deficiency.
Can MRI Scans Detect Cancer Cells?
Reviewed By Ray Spotts Your doctor has recommended that you have an MRI scan, otherwise known as a Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan. The only thing you know about this type of scan is that you must lay inside a large tube while loud, harsh sounds are banging around you. You've heard that people with claustrophobia have a tough time with this type of medical test, and thankfully an open MRI can be recommended if you don't like to be in tight spaces or this is your first time. MRIs are often used to detect and monitor a number of diseases and particularly nasty symptoms, anything from arthritis to bone infections to dementia.