Oral Care - Researched Articles on the Latest in Oral Care News

Avoiding Gingivitis: What You Can Do To Keep Your Mouth Healthy
Written By Jennifer Raskin / Reviewed By Ray Spotts
Worried about gingivitis? You should be because it can lead to worse oral health problems down the road. Your best course of action is to avoid it altogether. But how do you do that?
Worried about gingivitis? You should be because it can lead to worse oral health problems down the road. Your best course of action is to avoid it altogether. But how do you do that?

What You Need To Do To Recover From Dental Implants
If you're considering undergoing a dental implant procedure, here are some things you need to know about recovering properly.
Written By Anica Oaks / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

How Acidic Foods And Beverages Affect Your Teeth
Reviewed By Ray Spotts
Parents always tell their kids, “That drink is going to damage your teeth!” While you may have thought they were just trying to scare you, your parents were actually right. Foods and beverages that are high in acidic levels can have adverse effects on your teeth and oral health.

Toothbrush Care - When You Should Change Yours
It is important that you change your toothbrush or toothbrush head regularly in order to prevent the spread of bacteria.
Written By Abigail Wise / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

7 Reasons Proper Oral Hygiene Can Help You Lose Weight
Written By Jessica Ann / Reviewed By Ray Spotts
Losing weight is one of the most challenging things to do. In fact, many people struggle with because it is hard to achieve one’s ideal weight and figure, but did you know that there are convenient ways to help you lose that extra weight?
Losing weight is one of the most challenging things to do. In fact, many people struggle with because it is hard to achieve one’s ideal weight and figure, but did you know that there are convenient ways to help you lose that extra weight?

6 Great Dental Hygiene Tips For Healthy White Teeth
Written By Kerry Brooks / Reviewed By Ray Spotts
The state of your dental health reflects your overall health condition. While this may sound unbelievable, it’s entirely true. What’s going on with your oral health tells a lot about your health too. Doctors can take an amount of saliva from your mouth for examination, and that can tell them where you’re at with your physical condition. As a matter of fact, some diseases such as HIV or AIDS and diabetes can be detected through oral signs and symptoms. For example, mouth lesions can be an early symptom of HIV.
The state of your dental health reflects your overall health condition. While this may sound unbelievable, it’s entirely true. What’s going on with your oral health tells a lot about your health too. Doctors can take an amount of saliva from your mouth for examination, and that can tell them where you’re at with your physical condition. As a matter of fact, some diseases such as HIV or AIDS and diabetes can be detected through oral signs and symptoms. For example, mouth lesions can be an early symptom of HIV.