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Stay Awake At Work...Naturally

Stay Awake At Work...Naturally

Take A Breather  Deep breaths raise your body's blood oxygen levels, which can help increase your energy and alertness by lowering blood pressure and slowing your heart rate. The idea is to breathe deeply into your belly, not your chest. While sitting upright, inhale slowly through your nose and feel your abdomen push out, then exhale slowly through your mouth. Alternatively, a method used for quick energy in yoga calls for quick inhaling and exhaling through your nose while your mouth is closed. It is recommended to take 3 of these rapid br...
3 Foods You Didn't Think Were Good For You...But Are

3 Foods You Didn't Think Were Good For You...But Are

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Watermelon - The high liquid content of watermelon, along with the natural sugars and fiber, make it the perfect snack.

Onions  - Primarily used for seasoning, onions are high in vitamin C, fiber, folate, and vitamin B-6.

Lettuce  - Looking at the light green color of most lettuce would generally lead one to believe that it doesn't have the nutrients of other vegetables, but this is not the case.

The Dangers Of Sitting

The Dangers Of Sitting

Between driving, watching TV, and working at desks, Americans spend half their waking hours sitting down. The problem with this is that our bodies are designed to move, and when we spend so much time sitting our health suffers in many ways.  Sitting causes the central nervous system to slow down, which can lead to fatigue. One study suggested that fatigue could be reduced by up to 65% within 6 weeks by adding low intensity exercise like walking three times a week. Sitting can also weaken the muscles that support posture and are used to walk....
Natural Answers For Allergies

Natural Answers For Allergies

There are over 40 million Americans that suffer from seasonal allergies, and whats worse is that most of the medications that help alleviate these symptoms have harmful side effects. Fortunately, there are some answers hiding in nature that are much safer than drugs, and have little to no side effects.  Quercetin Quercetin is a plant pigment that can inhibit cells that produce histamine. Its naturally occurring, and can be found in various foods like citrus fruits and onions. Don't plan on getting enough of it through your diet though, the a...
Stop Snoring Naturally

Stop Snoring Naturally

Cut Out Dairy  Dairy products are not only difficult for the body to digest, but they can cause weakness in the muscles in the wind pipe and cause snoring. Dairy leaves behind a trail of mucus in the body, and that dampness can weaken the soft palate. It also is a leading cause of fatty tissue around the neck, which can also lead to snoring. Go Bananas Research from the University of New England in New South Wales, Australia indicates that a compound that is found in bananas can help keep the throat open and reduce airway pressure, thus red...
What Your Food Cravings Really Mean

What Your Food Cravings Really Mean

If you're craving a steak or a burger:  Cravings for red meat can signal a lack of iron, or conjugated linoleic acid, which is a fatty acid that helps your body burn stored fat. A healthier option to replace iron is dark, leafy greens like spinach. This is especially beneficial if your diet is high in fat or carbohydrates. Try incorporating smaller amounts of red meat into your diet so that you dont go overboard when you do indulge. If you're craving baked goods: This usually indicates that your blood glucose levels are fluctuating. The str...
Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day!

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Denis Hayes founded the Earth Day Network to promote the first Earth Day in 1970, and their work continues today. Their international network coordinates with over 19,000 organizations in 192 countries to plan and carry out millions of community development and environmental-protection activities throughout the year.
Odd Home Remedies And Kitchen Cures

Odd Home Remedies And Kitchen Cures

Headaches Whether you realize it or not, you clench your jaw when you're under stress or anxiety. This puts pressure on the muscles that connect your jaw and your temples and will usually lead to a headache from the tension. Try putting a pencil or a pen between your teeth to naturally relax your jaw. Make sure you don't bite or chew on it though, because you'll be right back where you started. Hypertension New research from the University of Florence in Italy suggests that people who are already on a medication to help lower blood pressure...
Fight Back Against Chronic Pain

Fight Back Against Chronic Pain

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

According to a 2009 poll by the American Pain Foundation, 56% of people who have suffered from back pain or muscle strains over the past year said that it was made worse by stress over the economy.
The Scary Truth About Genetically Modified Foods

The Scary Truth About Genetically Modified Foods

In the early 1990s the world was first introduced to genetically modified foods, foods derived from organisms that have been altered by humans to have different properties. These methods, while much more precise than past attempts to alter food organisms by exposing them to either radiation or chemicals, are still causing quite a stir. The fact of the matter is that a number of these foods are still on the market and gaining popularity at about the same rate that they are generating concern.  Genetically modified seeds that are being distrib...
Improve Your Odds Against Heart Disease

Improve Your Odds Against Heart Disease

Reviewed by: Ray Spotts

Manage Stress. If stress isn't properly controlled or managed, it can lead to further physiological damage like high blood pressure. This, in turn, will greatly exacerbate your chances of heart attack or stroke. Try starting with simple relaxation techniques like controlled breathing and meditation. Focus on each breath entering and exiting your lungs, and imagine your stress leaving you every time you exhale.

Feed Your Immune System

Feed Your Immune System

Reviewed Ray Spotts

Feed your immune system with these immune boosting foods.


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