The Health Blog
Stay Healthy, the Natural Way
Best Supplements For A Healthy Heart
Reviewed By Ray Spotts Omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid are known primarily for lowering harmful blood fats called triglycerides. They can also help to mildly lower blood pressure. A daily dose of 1 gram can help with blood pressure, but 2-4 grams is recommended for lowering triglycerides.
3 Foods You Didn't Think Were Good For You...But Are
Reviewed By Ray Spotts Watermelon - The high liquid content of watermelon, along with the natural sugars and fiber, make it the perfect snack. Onions - Primarily used for seasoning, onions are high in vitamin C, fiber, folate, and vitamin B-6. Lettuce - Looking at the light green color of most lettuce would generally lead one to believe that it doesn't have the nutrients of other vegetables, but this is not the case.