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Stay Healthy, the Natural Way

The Health Blog Stay Healthy, the Natural Way

woman flossing teeth
Here are a few reasons why you should heed your dentist's advice...
dentist and patient
Here are some ways to recover faster after a dental procedure.
person with white tongue
When the tongue appears white, or has a white coating, it can...
dentist office
While it is often accepted that tooth loss is part of the...
dentist discussing wisdom teeth with patient
New studies are reassessing the effect that pulling wisdom teeth has on...
dentist and patient discussing receding gums
Receding gums occur for many reasons and each cause has a treatment...
bad breath infographic
These causes of bad breath can help you find the best way...
dental hygienist
The following are five jobs in the dental field that you might...
woman smiling with white teeth
To ensure you don't overlook a serious condition, here are a few...
dentist with child patient
The earlier that children visit the dentist, the better, but how exactly...
dentist discussing toothache with patient
There are some steps that can be taken at home to ease...
smiling girl with braces
Getting braces is a valuable investment for a person with misaligned teeth....


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