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General Tooth Care – How To Take Care Of Your Teeth
Written By Kassandra Foreman / Reviewed By Ray Spotts Caring for teeth is not just important for dental health but also for overall health. While some illness and disease may contribute to dental concerns, it is also true that poor dental health can contribute to or cause illness and disease.
What You Can Expect From A Dying Tooth
Let’s go over the cause of a dead tooth and what you can expect to go through when dealing with one.
Remove Dental Plaque And Tartar Naturally
To remove dental plaque and tartar naturally, an abrasive yet gentle toothpaste can be used, oil pulling can loosen and remove buildup from around the teeth, and regular brushing and flossing can reduce buildup.
60+ Ways To Fight Oral Thrush Naturally
Technically known as oral candidiasis, oral thrush occurs when the type of fungus called Candida albicans builds up on the interior lining of the mouth. While Candida is normally present in your mouth, when it overgrows, it can lead to annoying symptoms. Here are 60+ ways to fight it naturally.
Loose Teeth And The Importance Of Seeing Your Dentist
There are a few steps that can be taken to reduce tooth loss even when a loose tooth is present - and they begin with dental care at home and at the dental office.
What Is Cracked Tooth Syndrome?
Cracked tooth syndrome refers to any crack in any tooth, and covers a wide range of causes and treatments, but all require treatment to repair and retain the tooth as long as possible.
6 Guidelines For Cleaning Areas Of Your House You May Be Forgetting
Reviewed By Ray Spotts While certain areas of your home are obvious spots to clean, such as your bathroom and kitchen, others aren't so evident and are therefore easy to overlook. Here are six things in your home that you're probably forgetting to clean.
5 Types Of Dental Cavity Fillings
Here’s a look at the five types of dental fillings that are commonly used by dentists.
How To Treat Gum Infections Naturally
Reviewed By Ray Spotts Gum infections result from a build-up of plaque and germs in the mouth and along the gums. When signs of a gum infection are found they must be addressed quickly to avoid complications such as illness, receding gums, shifting teeth, and even tooth loss.
How Diabetes And Tooth Health Are Related
Reviewed By Ray Spotts Diabetes is most commonly known for the inability to regulate blood sugars naturally. This lack of balance in blood sugars is the most prominent effect on oral health for diabetics. It can cause cavities and decay, gingivitis, periodontitis, and a yeast infection commonly known as thrush, as well as dry mouth which is known to increase the occurrences of all of the above.
Reasons You Might Be Experiencing TMJ Pain And How To Fix It
If you are experiencing pain in your jaw and having tension about the whole situation, here are signs and symptoms you should watch out for as you conduct a self-examination.
Why Your Gums Are So Important
It doesn't matter in which sequence you floss, brush, and cleanse. As long as you’re implementing all of these methods in combination, you’ll be fine. These are some of the finest tips you can deploy to ensure the best possible oral hygiene.