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Oral Care - Researched Articles on the Latest in Oral Care News

Poor Oral Health Linked To 75% Increase In Liver Cancer Risk

Poor Oral Health Linked To 75% Increase In Liver Cancer Risk

Poor oral health is associated with a 75% increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma, the most common form of liver cancer, new research has found.
Poor Oral Health And Food Scarcity Major Contributors To Malnutrition In Older Adults

Poor Oral Health And Food Scarcity Major Contributors To Malnutrition In Older Adults

Of the risk factors studied, poor oral health was found to have the largest impact on malnutrition. More than half of the patients in the study had some dental problems, and patients with dental problems were three times as likely to suffer from malnutrition as those without dental problems. Ten percent of patients experienced food insecurity the definition of which was based on responses to questions regarding not having enough food, eating fewer meals, and going to bed hungry.


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