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Oral Care - Researched Articles on the Latest in Oral Care News

What Happens When You Put Off Going To The Dentist?

What Happens When You Put Off Going To The Dentist?

Do you know what happens when you put off going to the dentist?

How Smoking Affects Teeth

How Smoking Affects Teeth

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Smoking can affect the health of the body in many ways including dental health. Not only will it cause staining on the teeth, but also can cause bad breath, increased plaque and tartar, bone loss, inflammation in the mouth and salivary glands, as well as increase the risk of cancer and gum disease leading to tooth loss. However, you can decrease the occurrences of all of these risk factors once smoking is stopped. Regular dental visits will also help reduce and treat what damage has been done.

Why Professional Teeth Cleaning Is A Must For Dental Health

Why Professional Teeth Cleaning Is A Must For Dental Health

What do your teeth say about your health?  Learn how going to the dentist regularly for teeth cleaning can help you detect signs of diseases.

Top 10 Common Dental Problems

Top 10 Common Dental Problems

Written By Oatlands Dental Lounge / Reviewed By Ray Spotts     You know good oral health starts with proper oral care. Brushing and flossing along with regular visits to your dentist Weybridge, all go a long way to keep your mouth healthy. But, if you've ever experienced sore gums or a toothache, you know that dental problems can occur even when you're taking proper care of your teeth. In fact, besides pain, dental problems can cause you some anxiety, especially when you dont know exactly what type of issue you are experiencing. By educat...


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