Oral Care - Researched Articles on the Latest in Oral Care News

5 Ways To Improve Your Smile
Written By Kassandra Foreman / Reviewed By Ray Spotts
The way to a beautiful smile starts with creating a healthy smile. Healthy teeth will maintain their color and strength, and when things do happen there are many treatment options available.
Everything from food choices to brushing, flossing, and correct toothpaste choices can affect your teeth and your smile. Maintain regular dental visits, drink lots of water, and seek dental care when necessary.
The way to a beautiful smile starts with creating a healthy smile. Healthy teeth will maintain their color and strength, and when things do happen there are many treatment options available.
Everything from food choices to brushing, flossing, and correct toothpaste choices can affect your teeth and your smile. Maintain regular dental visits, drink lots of water, and seek dental care when necessary.

4 Options For Improving Your Smile As An Adult
Written By Emma Sturgis / Reviewed By Ray Spotts
Have cameras become your worst enemies? Do you look for any excuse to keep your mouth closed? Does the word “cheese” so thoroughly terrify you that you steer clear of the dairy aisle at the grocery store and suffer nightmares about Wisconsin? It sounds like you're letting your imperfect smile get to you. There is no magic wand for immediate dental beautification, but there are four steps you can take to make your smile look nicer than it ever has before.
Have cameras become your worst enemies? Do you look for any excuse to keep your mouth closed? Does the word “cheese” so thoroughly terrify you that you steer clear of the dairy aisle at the grocery store and suffer nightmares about Wisconsin? It sounds like you're letting your imperfect smile get to you. There is no magic wand for immediate dental beautification, but there are four steps you can take to make your smile look nicer than it ever has before.

4 Ways To Improve The Look Of Your Smile
Written By Anita Ginsburg / Reviewed By Ray Spotts
One of the first things people notice about you is your smile, so if you’re unhappy with your appearance, your smile may be one of the first things you want to improve. You will not drastically change the look of your smile overnight, and it will take a variety of methods to help create and maintain perfectly bright teeth, but it can be done. Here are four easy steps you can do to help improve the appearance of your smile.
One of the first things people notice about you is your smile, so if you’re unhappy with your appearance, your smile may be one of the first things you want to improve. You will not drastically change the look of your smile overnight, and it will take a variety of methods to help create and maintain perfectly bright teeth, but it can be done. Here are four easy steps you can do to help improve the appearance of your smile.