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Stay Healthy, the Natural Way
Improve Your Odds Against Heart Disease
Reviewed by: Ray Spotts Manage Stress. If stress isn't properly controlled or managed, it can lead to further physiological damage like high blood pressure. This, in turn, will greatly exacerbate your chances of heart attack or stroke. Try starting with simple relaxation techniques like controlled breathing and meditation. Focus on each breath entering and exiting your lungs, and imagine your stress leaving you every time you exhale.
What Causes Halitosis?
Halitosis can be a direct result of odor-inducing microbes that gather between the teeth and on gums. While this type of bacteria is incredibly normal, those with poor hygiene become more susceptible to the effects of the odor, thus causing breath to smell sour. This happens because of the particles that are present in our food and drinks that often gets stuck in our mouth. Simply rinsing out your mouth after every meal can help to eliminate stray pieces of food that sometimes gets stuck.
What Causes Bleeding Gums?
The first thing you need to do at the sign of bleeding gums is to take better care of your mouth. This means that brushing twice a day is mandatory. You should also floss as often as possible.
Tooth Loss Increases The Risk Of Diminished Cognitive Function
The increase of cognitive impairment and its pathologic correlates, such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease, in aging populations is progressing worldwide and creating a significant burden on health systems. Better insight into the nature and extent of the association between oral health and cognitive function is of great importance since it could lead to preventive interventions for cognitive performance. Therefore, the objective of this review was to systematically examine if tooth loss leads to cognitive impairment and its most prevalent pathologic correlate (dementia).
Link Between Gum Disease And Cognitive Decline In Alzheimer's
Periodontitis or gum disease is common in older people and may become more common in Alzheimers disease because of a reduced ability to take care of oral hygiene as the disease progresses. Higher levels of antibodies to periodontal bacteria are associated with an increase in levels of inflammatory molecules elsewhere in the body, which in turn has been linked to greater rates of cognitive decline in Alzheimers disease in previous studies.
How To Deal With Denture Pain
Reviewed by Ray Spotts The number one reason pain is experienced by denture wearers is because of loose or ill-fitting dentures. There are a number of reasons that this can occur. Things like jawbone changes, which are typical in older individuals, can lead to this discomfort.
Eliminate Cold Sores Naturally
Reviewed By Ray Spotts Not only are cold sores unsightly and embarrassing, they can also be incredibly painful. Cold sores are usually seen on or around the mouth, and are fluid-filled breakouts that are hard to cover or conceal. They tend to last for at least five to seven days and occur in different developmental phases.
How To Prevent Cavities
Reviewed by Ray Spotts Ensuring the health of your mouth is incredibly vital for a number of reasons. While the standard advice regarding brushing and flossing is absolutely crucial, there are other lesser known ways to help protect the teeth from decay. Common practices like rinsing your mouth and brushing your teeth are essential and will definitely go far in protecting the mouth from cavities. Below are some lesser known recommendations that will also protect your teeth and ward of the likelihood of cavities.
Oral Bacteria Linked To Stroke Risk
"This study shows that oral health is important for brain health. People need to take care of their teeth because it is good for their brain and their heart as well as their teeth," Friedland said. "The study and related work in our labs have shown that oral bacteria are involved in several kinds of stroke, including brain hemorrhages and strokes that lead to dementia."
How To Conquer A Canker Sore
Reviewed by: Ray Spotts A warm chamomile teabag may work as a kind of poultice or compress to soothe and heal. Coconut oil has both anti-inflammatory and germ-killing properties that may serve you well in the fight against canker sore pain, swelling, and infection.
Tooth Fillings Of The Future May Incorporate Bioactive Glass
Prolonging the life of composite tooth fillings could be an important step forward for dental treatment, the researchers say, since more than 122 million composite tooth restorations are made in the United States every year. An average person uses their teeth for more than 600,000 "chews" a year, and some studies suggest the average lifetime of a posterior dental composite is only six years.
Root Canal Treatment: National Study Says Most General Dentists Do Not Follow Standard Of Care Guidelines
In this study, 1,490 general dentists who represent a diverse range of dentist characteristics, practice types and patient populations served, completed an anonymous questionnaire about dental dam use and their attitudes toward its use. The study found a substantial variation in dental dam use and attitudes.