Oral Care - Researched Articles on the Latest in Oral Care News

Wisdom Teeth: What To Do If You Have Them
If your wisdom teeth have not come through the gums the only way to know they are there is through a dental X-ray.

Getting Wise About Wisdom Teeth: What To Look For And When to Worry
Written By Jennifer Raskin / Reviewed By Ray Spotts
If you thought you were done getting all your teeth after all your baby teeth were replaced by their adult counterparts, think again! Somewhere around the age of 17 on through the age of 21, your third molars, or wisdom teeth, come in.

Unfolding The Facts About Wisdom Teeth
Some people can go their whole lives without having their wisdom teeth removed and experience no issues. Others are not so lucky and could have misaligned wisdom teeth that require immediate removal.

Facts About Orthodontics You May Not Even Know
Written By The Smile Gallery / Reviewed By Ray Spotts
Orthodontics is a way to correct teeth and jaws that are improperly positioned. Crooked teeth do not fit well together and are harder to clean which places them at a higher risk of tooth decay and periodontal disease.
Orthodontics is a way to correct teeth and jaws that are improperly positioned. Crooked teeth do not fit well together and are harder to clean which places them at a higher risk of tooth decay and periodontal disease.