Oral Care - Researched Articles on the Latest in Oral Care News

60+ Ways To Fight Oral Thrush Naturally
Technically known as oral candidiasis, oral thrush occurs when the type of fungus called Candida albicans builds up on the interior lining of the mouth. While Candida is normally present in your mouth, when it overgrows, it can lead to annoying symptoms. Here are 60+ ways to fight it naturally.
acidic foods avoided to fight oral thrush
alleviate stress to fight oral thrush
aloe vera to fight oral thrush
anise seed to fight oral thrush
anti-fungal medication for oral thrush
antibiotics avoided to fight oral thrush
apple cider vinegar to fight oral thrush
baking soda to fight oral thrush
bentonite clay to fight oral thrush
berberine to fight oral thrush
Betaine HCL to fight oral thrush
bone broth to fight oral thrush
caffeine reduction to fight oral thrush
caprylic acid to fight oral thrush
chia seeds to fight oral thrush
Chinese skullcap to fight oral thrush
cinnamon to fight oral thrush
cleaning methods to fight oral thrush
clove oil to fight oral thrush
complex carbs to fight oral thrush
cumin (black seed oil) to fight oral thrush
eucalyptus to fight oral thrush
garlic to fight oral thrush
gentian violet to fight oral thrush
geranium to fight oral thrush
ginger to fight oral thrush
goji berries to fight oral thrush
golden milk to fight oral thrush
grapefruit seed extract to fight oral thrush
healthier diet to fight oral thrush
herbal oral care products to fight oral thrush
high quality oils to fight oral thrush
lavender to fight oral thrush
lemongrass to fight oral thrush
lemons to fight oral thrush
licorice root to fight oral thrush
more water to fight oral thrush
mushrooms to fight oral thrush
myrrh oil to fight oral thrush
N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) to fight oral thrush
natural remedies for fighting off oral thrush
natural ways to fight oral thrush
nursing pads to fight oral thrush
nutritional deficiencies corrected to fight oral thrush
olive leaf extract to fight oral thrush
oral thrush fight it naturally
oral thrush symptoms
oral thrush tablets
orange essential oil to fight oral thrush
oregano oil to fight oral thrush
peppermint to fight oral thrush
saltwater rinse to fight oral thrush
schizandra berries to fight oral thrush
seaweed and kelp extract to fight oral thrush
Silymarin milk thistle to fight oral thrush
smoking stopped to fight oral thrush
sugar avoided to fight oral thrush
tea tree oil to fight oral thrush
thyme to fight oral thrush
turmeric to fight oral thrush
vitamin C to fight oral thrush
winter savory to fight oral thrush
wormwood black walnut to fight oral thrush
ylang-ylang to fight oral thrush
yogurt and other probiotic foods to fight oral thrush

Oral Thrush Symptoms And Treatments
Oral thrush is a very common infection, especially in children, those with lowered immune systems, and people who use certain inhaled medications.
Written By Kassandra Foreman / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Oral Thrush: How To Recognize And Handle It
Oral thrush can last up to 2 weeks so if you notice these symptoms, visit your doctor immediately to start those anti-thrush prescription treatments and take back control over your oral health.
Written By Jennifer Raskin / Reviewed By Ray Spotts