Oral Care - Researched Articles on the Latest in Oral Care News

Common Dental Problems And Healthy Habits For Adults Over 60
Written By Bryan Wood / Reviewed By Ray Spotts
Our risk of developing gum disease, dry mouth, cavities, oral cancer, and tooth loss increases significantly as we enter our senior years. Being aware of oral health issues for seniors, maintaining good oral hygiene and visiting your dentist regularly can go a long way in alleviating and preventing common dental problems experienced by adults over the age of 60.

Top 10 Common Dental Problems
Written By Oatlands Dental Lounge / Reviewed By Ray Spotts
You know good oral health starts with proper oral care. Brushing and flossing along with regular visits to your dentist Weybridge, all go a long way to keep your mouth healthy. But, if you've ever experienced sore gums or a toothache, you know that dental problems can occur even when you're taking proper care of your teeth. In fact, besides pain, dental problems can cause you some anxiety, especially when you dont know exactly what type of issue you are experiencing. By educat...