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Oral Care - Researched Articles on the Latest in Oral Care News

How To Cure A Dental Phobia

How To Cure A Dental Phobia

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Dental phobias are not rare, and as the acknowledgment of phobias grows the methods to deal with them are also increasing and becoming more easily talked about. Options include things like hypnotherapy and exposure treatment, as well as meditation and other anxiety-helping methods.

How To Prepare Yourself For Any Dental Procedure

How To Prepare Yourself For Any Dental Procedure

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

If you thought that it's just kids who get the creeps from visiting the dentist, then you might be surprised to learn that some adults fear the visit too. There are several names given to dental fears. Some of these names range from dental anxiety, odontophobia, dentist phobia, to dentophobia.

The Serious Consequences Of Dental Phobia

The Serious Consequences Of Dental Phobia

Do you want to learn more about dental phobia? Here’s a run-down of what you need to know about this unique condition.



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