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Breast Cancer Prevention

Breast Cancer Prevention

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

So what are the prevention you need to know to lower breast cancer risk?
Studies from UC San Diego reveal that women who eat at least 5 servings of vegetables or fruits daily have cut their risk of breast cancer related death by half.

Natural Ways To Save Our Sight

Natural Ways To Save Our Sight

A vision care diet  The most common eye diseases share a common link- oxidation, chemical process in which free radicals damage cells in the body, in this case, the eyes. A natural by-product of metabolism, these oxygen-based molecules are also produced in large amounts by smoking, air pollution, and excessive sunlight. A few of the best antioxidants to help protect your sight are vitamin A, zinc, lutein, and fish oil (which are high in omega 3 fatty acids). Water and exercise Drinking a lot of fluids improves the transport of antioxidant n...
Add Healthy Years To Your Life

Add Healthy Years To Your Life

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Pick out a word from the newspaper or dictionary every day. Put it on an index card and quiz yourself occasionally. It may not sound like much, but this type of exercise keeps your brain sharp. The brain continues to regenerate nerve cells throughout your entire life, and this process called neurogenesis helps older adults to improve memory and cognitive function as they age.

Stay Awake At Work...Naturally

Stay Awake At Work...Naturally

Take A Breather  Deep breaths raise your body's blood oxygen levels, which can help increase your energy and alertness by lowering blood pressure and slowing your heart rate. The idea is to breathe deeply into your belly, not your chest. While sitting upright, inhale slowly through your nose and feel your abdomen push out, then exhale slowly through your mouth. Alternatively, a method used for quick energy in yoga calls for quick inhaling and exhaling through your nose while your mouth is closed. It is recommended to take 3 of these rapid br...
The Dangers Of Sitting

The Dangers Of Sitting

Between driving, watching TV, and working at desks, Americans spend half their waking hours sitting down. The problem with this is that our bodies are designed to move, and when we spend so much time sitting our health suffers in many ways.  Sitting causes the central nervous system to slow down, which can lead to fatigue. One study suggested that fatigue could be reduced by up to 65% within 6 weeks by adding low intensity exercise like walking three times a week. Sitting can also weaken the muscles that support posture and are used to walk....
Improve Your Odds Against Heart Disease

Improve Your Odds Against Heart Disease

Reviewed by: Ray Spotts

Manage Stress. If stress isn't properly controlled or managed, it can lead to further physiological damage like high blood pressure. This, in turn, will greatly exacerbate your chances of heart attack or stroke. Try starting with simple relaxation techniques like controlled breathing and meditation. Focus on each breath entering and exiting your lungs, and imagine your stress leaving you every time you exhale.

The Link Between Exercise And Brain Cell Function

The Link Between Exercise And Brain Cell Function

Researchers with the National Institute on Aging Intramural Research Program and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine have discovered an enzyme that may protect mice brains against stresses believed to contribute to energy loss. This protective enzyme, called SIRT3, is located in the cells mitochondria. It is believed that as we age or develop neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's the brain cells may not produce sufficient energy to remain fully functional.  Using a new animal model, the researchers took a look at whether the...
Even Minimal Physical Activity Can Thwart Disease

Even Minimal Physical Activity Can Thwart Disease

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

You've likely heard the importance of being active and exercising to promote overall physical health. The state of the body is directly connected to a few things, one of which being how active the body is. A recent study, conducted on over 60,000 adult participants showed that even minimal physical activities make a huge difference for the body. Physical activity thwarts the likelihood of issues like cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Natural Treatment And Prevention For Migraines And Chronic Headaches

Natural Treatment And Prevention For Migraines And Chronic Headaches

Seventy percent of Americans are deficient in magnesium, and only 30 to 40 percent of people get at least 75 percent of the daily recommended value of it, which is 400 milligrams. In relation to headaches and migraines, magnesium effects the production of pain managing chemicals in the brain like serotonin. It also helps to open blood vessels in the brain, thereby improving circulation and reducing tension. Dr. Burton Altura, professor of physiology and medicine at the State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn stated tha...


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