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How Eating Organic Can Drastically Improve Your Health

Trusted Health Products

Written By Victoria Smith / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Eating healthy is a common goal these days. If you've been trying to lead a healthier lifestyle, you may want to consider making some changes to your diet. The types of foods, along with where they come from and how they are sourced, can make a dramatic difference in how you feel. Many people are turning to organic foods for their environmental and overall well-being benefits.

Keep reading below to learn how eating organic can drastically improve your health.

Fewer Chemicals

Natural organic products are grown without using pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. This cuts down on the number of chemicals you have in your diet. Strict monitoring occurs in organic farming in order to eliminate or at least significantly limit the use of things like weedkillers, fungicides, pesticides, and artificial fertilizers.

Pesticides or fertilizers used by organic farmers typically only contain natural substances. Even these natural products must be approved if the crops are to be sold as organic.

Organizations that oversee organic farming include the National Organic Standards Board and the National Organic Program. These entities have created lists of pesticides and fertilizers that can be utilized in organic farming. The approval process is a very comprehensive one with input from other professional organizations, experts, and the public.


Another of the benefits of eating organic food is that you can avoid GMOs. Products labeled organic cannot contain genetically modified organisms or GMOs. Farmers and other producers must be able to demonstrate to the USDA that they are not using GMOs in any of their supply chains in order to meet organic standards and regulations.

This means that no GMO ingredients can be used in production, cows cannot be fed GMO products and GMO seeds cannot be used in planting. If you're hoping to avoid GMOs in your foods, organic is the way to go.

No Irradiation

The process of irradiation occurs when food is exposed to ionizing radiation for the purpose of reducing bacteria or microorganisms. Radiation can increase the risk of certain types of cancers. In order to meet USDA organic standards, foods cannot be irradiated, so there's no need to be concerned about such a risk when choosing organic.

No Sewage Sludge

Did you know that sewage sludge is often used as a fertilizer in traditional farming methods? Sewage sludge comes from the treatment of wastewater. It can contain hazardous materials that come from what has been flushed into the sewage systems.

Toxic compounds, hormones, harmful pathogens, and nanomaterials are some of what you may find in this sludge. Chances are, you don't want any of that to come into contact with your foods. The use of sewage sludge and byproducts is another practice, much like irradiation and use of chemicals, that is now permitted when labeling foods as organic.

Better Health

Eating organically can be one of the best ways to ensure you're consuming healthy options. That's because organic items cannot contain anything artificial such as colors, flavors, or preservatives.

If you purchase organic packaged foods, you can be sure that independent and governmental agencies have reviewed each one to be sure its ingredients are in compliance with current regulations. These regulating bodies only allow 40 synthetic ingredients to be used in organic product production.

Conventionally packaged foods may contain thousands of various chemicals. Artificial colors, preservatives, and flavorings have been linked to a variety of health issues. You'll have peace of mind when choosing a diet or solely organic produce and products.

Improved Nutrition

Not only does eating organic products prevent harmful substances from entering your body, but you would also be getting more nutrition from your food when you opt for organic. That's because organic items contain higher amounts of micronutrients, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals than conventionally sourced crops.

Studies abound that point to the ways in which organic farming can produce nutritional benefits. Higher levels of things like Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, iron, vitamin C, and magnesium can be found in organic foods.

These are some of the primary health benefits of eating organic. If you're pursuing a healthy lifestyle, making the switch from conventional foods to organic varieties can be a wise move that is relatively easy to accomplish. In addition, organic options are often quite tasty!

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Written By:

Victoria Smith is a freelance writer who specializes in business and finance with a passion for cooking and wellness. She lives in Austin, Texas where she is currently working towards her MBA. 

Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com.

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