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Diet and Exercise

Study: Link Between Exercise And Genetic Effects Of Obesity Later In Life

Study: Link Between Exercise And Genetic Effects Of Obesity Later In Life

A new study suggests - for the first time in women over age 70 - that working up a sweat can reduce the influence ones genes have on obesity. Our sample, which included older women, is the first to show that in the 70-to-79-year-old age group, exercise can mitigate the genetic effects of obesity, says the studys lead author Heather Ochs-Balcom, associate professor of epidemiology and environmental health in the University at Buffalos School of Public Health and Health Professions. The message here is that your genetic risk for obesity is not...
New Study: Six Years Of Exercise May Be Enough To Change Heart Failure Risk

New Study: Six Years Of Exercise May Be Enough To Change Heart Failure Risk

Unlike heart attack, in which heart muscle dies, heart failure is marked by a long-term, chronic inability of the heart to pump enough blood, or pump it hard enough, to bring needed oxygen to the body. The leading cause of hospitalizations in those over 65, the disorders risk factors include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, smoking and a family history.


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