Oral Care - Researched Articles on the Latest in Oral Care News

5 Ways To Improve Your Smile
The way to a beautiful smile starts with creating a healthy smile. Healthy teeth will maintain their color and strength, and when things do happen there are many treatment options available.
Everything from food choices to brushing, flossing, and correct toothpaste choices can affect your teeth and your smile. Maintain regular dental visits, drink lots of water, and seek dental care when necessary.

Everything You Wanted To Know About Retainers
Written By Emily Taylor / Reviewed By Ray Spotts
Finally, it’s the time you’ve been waiting for since the last few months - you are finally ready to get rid of your braces and show off your perfect smile. But wait, there’s still something you need to do to make sure your smile stays happy and healthy forever. Your orthodontist might ask you to wear a retainer.
3 Common Treatments That Can Fix Your Overbite
Written By Anita Ginsburg / Reviewed By Ray Spotts
If you have an overbite, it can be embarrassing. More importantly, you may find that it causes issues with eating and you may feel that it is hiding your smile. You probably want to try to do something about it, but might not know what options are available for you.

4 Possible Options For A Straighter Smile
Written By Anica Oaks / Reviewed By Ray Spotts
Photographs abound in the age of social media, and you likely find yourself in at least a handful of pictures. However, you may notice that you tend to keep your mouth closed, or you may entirely avoid as many pictures as you can. When crooked teeth are a problem, consider the multiple options that you have for resolving the issue.