Oral Care - Researched Articles on the Latest in Oral Care News

Gum Infections: Preventing And Curing Them For A Healthier Smile
Gum infections are no fun, which is why you should listen to your dentist when you’re told to take proper care of your oral health. By letting things go, you leave your mouth open for infections. Known as periodontitis, it targets just below your gum line in sulcus, the crevices between your teeth and gums.

Link Between Diabetes And Tooth Health
If you know that you suffer from diabetes and are wondering if it may be affecting your gum or tooth health, these are the most common symptoms to look out for.
Written By Abigail Wise / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

How To Treat And Prevent Gum Infections?
Like any other part of the body, the mouth is also susceptible to infections. If you have gum disease, it's highly recommended to see a dentist. The infected gums are painful and can be a symptom of a chronic health condition known as periodontitis.