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Oral Care - Researched Articles on the Latest in Oral Care News

Visit A Dentist Regularly For Your Dental Health

Visit A Dentist Regularly For Your Dental Health

Here are the reasons why you should take care of your dental health and be in touch with the dentist regularly.
Worried About Your Dental Health? Here’s 4 Things You Should Look Into

Worried About Your Dental Health? Here’s 4 Things You Should Look Into

There are several steps you can take to protect your oral health and improve the aesthetic appearance of your teeth.

Written By Lizzie Weakley / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

4 Things People Fail To Do To Protect Their Dental Health

4 Things People Fail To Do To Protect Their Dental Health

Written By Meghan Belnap / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Even though most people understand that poor dental hygiene can lead to a loss of teeth that can't grow back, there are still a lot of people who fail to practice good dental hygiene habits. This is unfortunate, as a healthy mouth can help give you confidence, make it easier to eat, and help prevent certain diseases. To understand which bad habits to avoid, here are four things people often fail to do to protect their dental health.
How Your Diet Might Be Affecting Your Dental Health

How Your Diet Might Be Affecting Your Dental Health

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Dental health is about more than just your daily oral hygiene practices and routine dentist appointments. It's also about the foods and drinks you consume, too. If you want to stay on top of your oral health, then you should put a lot of thought and effort into your dietary practices. Foods and beverages may affect your pearly whites and mouth more than you realize.

Why Healthy Dental Hygiene Is Necessary For Your Body?

Why Healthy Dental Hygiene Is Necessary For Your Body?

Here are some points to further present how essential and important it is to have a healthy dental and oral system for your health and wellness.

Why Professional Teeth Cleaning Is A Must For Dental Health

Why Professional Teeth Cleaning Is A Must For Dental Health

What do your teeth say about your health?  Learn how going to the dentist regularly for teeth cleaning can help you detect signs of diseases.

7 Reasons To Floss That Go Beyond Dental Health

7 Reasons To Floss That Go Beyond Dental Health

Written By James C.H. Ko / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Studies have shown that only four out of 10 Americans floss daily. This number shows us that there are a lot of people who do not see the importance of flossing in their everyday oral care routine. This is alarming because it is very important for people to actually go beyond brushing to take care of their oral health. And this is also the reason why dentists all over the world are continually introducing this activity to their patients.
Researchers Discover Genetic Basis For Dental Fear

Researchers Discover Genetic Basis For Dental Fear

Dental care-related fear is relatively common, with significant fears affecting 10 to 20 percent of U.S. adults. At high levels, it can result in delays or complete avoidance of dental treatment, which has consequences for individuals oral and overall health. As a result, researchers are aiming to understand the causes and cures of this public health problem.
Combining Dental, Medical Procedures May Safely Limit Childrens Anesthesia Exposure

Combining Dental, Medical Procedures May Safely Limit Childrens Anesthesia Exposure

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Every year, millions of children require surgery for dental and non-dental medical procedures. Some children require general anesthesia when undergoing restorative dental procedures, such as teeth extraction or capping. The researchers say that, when possible, these procedures should be performed in combination with other surgical interventions requiring general anesthesia, such as tonsil removal, insertion of ear tubes and diagnostic tests such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which requires sedation to ensure the child doesnt move.

Dental Health Is A Lifestyle Choice

Dental Health Is A Lifestyle Choice

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Scrape your tongue, floss and brush your teeth; and while youre at it, gently brush your gums as well. It stimulates blood circulation, as well as removing germs at the base of the teeth. And choose your toothpastes and rinses carefully. Look for natural botanical rather than chemical-laden toxic products.


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