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4 Tips For Getting Over Your Dental Anxiety As An Adult

4 Tips For Getting Over Your Dental Anxiety As An Adult

Written By Emma Sturgis / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Are you experiencing dental anxiety? Well, we've all been there before. The good news is that you can overcome dental fear easily by following simple tips and techniques. Don't wait until a toothache gets to you before you can drag yourself to the dentist. Here are four tips to overcome dental anxiety as an adult.
How To Prepare Yourself For Any Dental Procedure

How To Prepare Yourself For Any Dental Procedure

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

If you thought that it's just kids who get the creeps from visiting the dentist, then you might be surprised to learn that some adults fear the visit too. There are several names given to dental fears. Some of these names range from dental anxiety, odontophobia, dentist phobia, to dentophobia.

How To Effectively Overcome Your Dental Anxiety

How To Effectively Overcome Your Dental Anxiety

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

For oral health, a regular dental check-up is essential. Many of us have a phobia of going to a dentist. Even the thought of a dental appointment makes us nervous and gives us goosebumps. This can be dental anxiety or even phobia. There can be a number of reasons behind this nervousness. Many times, it is the fear of the unknown that causes dental anxiety.

Tips For Parents In Preventing Dental Anxiety In Kids

Tips For Parents In Preventing Dental Anxiety In Kids

While dealing with dental anxiety in kids can be a burden, it’s not without solutions.

Written By Amanda McIntyre / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Dental Anxiety? 4 Reasons To Stop Avoiding A Checkup

Dental Anxiety? 4 Reasons To Stop Avoiding A Checkup

Written By Emma Sturgis / Reviewed By Ray Spotts
If you have anxiety about going to the dentist, you are far from alone. In fact, between nine and 20 percent of Americans avoid going to the dentist completely because of dental anxiety, and many more suffer anxiety before their appointments. There are many things that can cause you to feel anxious about going to the dentist, but you should not allow these issues to prevent you from getting the dental care that you need. Instead, think about these reasons why you should stop avoiding your regular dental checkups.
The Serious Consequences Of Dental Phobia

The Serious Consequences Of Dental Phobia

Do you want to learn more about dental phobia? Here’s a run-down of what you need to know about this unique condition.

Dealing With Dental Anxiety

Dealing With Dental Anxiety

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

For most of us, a trip to the dentist or orthodontist is a minor but necessary chore. For other people, however, it can be a waking nightmare. Their fears can make them nervous and jittery while in the chair. In severe cases, it can keep them away completely. This creates a vicious cycle in which avoiding regular care makes dental problems worse. This only increases the worry these people may feel.

Is Acupuncture A Possible Treatment For Dental Anxiety?

Is Acupuncture A Possible Treatment For Dental Anxiety?

Reviewed by Ray Spotts

Dental anxiety affects up to an estimated 30 percent of the adult population in countries world-wide. Patients can experience nausea, difficulty breathing and dizziness at the thought of going to the dentist - during an examination and following treatment. Reasons behind dental anxiety can vary such as fear of pain, needles or anesthetic side effects, as well as embarrassment or feeling a loss of control. 



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