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Oral Care - Researched Articles on the Latest in Oral Care News

How To Tell A Canker Sore From A Cold Sore

How To Tell A Canker Sore From A Cold Sore

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

When a sore appears it is important to know what you are treating in order to clear it up as soon as possible. A canker sore and a cold sore can both be uncomfortable but they are very different from each other, have different causes and expectations, and appear in different locations. To tell one from the other it is important to know the signs and symptoms of each.

Are There Dangerous Chemicals In Your Toothpaste?

Are There Dangerous Chemicals In Your Toothpaste?

Written By Kassandra Foreman / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

While toothpaste is made to be safe for brushing teeth, it is not meant to be swallowed, and can contain chemicals such as sodium lauryl sulfate, artificial sweeteners, fluoride, propylene glycol, and microbeads that are unsafe or a risk for some people.

Canker Sores And How To Treat Them

Canker Sores And How To Treat Them

Written By Kassandra Foreman / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

A canker sore is within the mouth or on the lips and appears as a round spot with a yellow or red interior and a red circle around it. These will generally go away on their own if left untreated, but can occasionally last longer than a few days and can then be treated to decrease discomfort. While mostly harmless and safe to ignore they can occasionally cause larger concerns and may even lead to tooth damage.

Sore Gums: What You Can Do To Relieve The Pain

Sore Gums: What You Can Do To Relieve The Pain

When your gums feel sore, it can be hard to concentrate on anything else. That type of pain isn’t easy to ignore. And ignore you shouldn’t for it could be a sign of something more serious.

Written By Jennifer Raskin / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Mouth Ulcers – What Causes Them And What Can You Do

Mouth Ulcers – What Causes Them And What Can You Do

While there is no definitive cause, there are many contributing factors that can lead to the development of mouth ulcers.

Written By Abigail Wise / Reviewed By Ray Spotts     

How Stress, Anxiety, And Depression Can Result In Poor Dental Health

How Stress, Anxiety, And Depression Can Result In Poor Dental Health

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

It will come as a surprise to most people that mental health has an impact on oral health. However, it has been established that issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression while seemingly unrelated can harm your dental health. A study by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey has revealed that close to two-thirds of those suffering from depression have also reported experiencing a toothache. Poor mental health has also been linked strongly with gum disease, which makes it even more important for those suffering from anxiety and depression to take extra care to maintain good dental hygiene.

How To Find Relief While You Rid Yourself Of Mouth Sores

How To Find Relief While You Rid Yourself Of Mouth Sores

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Got an annoying mouth sore? Better known as canker sores, these are merely painful inconveniences that will usually resolve themselves in around 10 days. You may get them when you accidentally chomp the side of your cheek or inner lower lip, or they may be the result of eating food that’s too hot, skin rashes inside your mouth, or bacterial or viral infections.

How To Prevent Canker Sores

How To Prevent Canker Sores

Reviewed by Ray Spotts

Most canker sores heal within 10 to 14 days. Sores that last longer than this should be examined by a professional to make sure its not something serious. Some recurrent sores may be due to underlying systemic conditions like food sensitivities (gluten or acidic foods) or triggered by stress and anxiety.

The Signs And Symptoms Of Canker Sores

The Signs And Symptoms Of Canker Sores

Canker sores are usually smaller than cold sores, only taking up about three to six millimeters of space. They are round or oval with a red or raw appearance. If you have multiple canker sores or canker sores in the throat, it is most likely due to a virus such as the strain that causes cold sores.


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