Oral Care - Researched Articles on the Latest in Oral Care News

Can I Set A Dental Appointment During The Quarantine?
Written By Stephanie McGuire / Reviewed By Ray Spotts
With the COVID-19 outbreak still in full force, most of the population is mandated to stay at home and maintain social distancing when outdoors. Since it has been this way for weeks, many of us are becoming acclimated to living in quarantine and getting things done online – ordering food, buying supplies, paying bills, the list goes on.

Tooth Pain And What it Means
There are many causes of tooth pain, but all need to be addressed by a dentist.
Written By Kassandra Foreman / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Protect Your Child From Dental Emergencies
Find out how you can save your child from the discomforts of tooth pain by preventing dental emergencies.