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Conflicting Research Regarding 100% Fruit Juice And Blood Sugar Levels

Trusted Health Products

Diabetes is affecting a substantial amount of individuals in our society. The inability for the pancreas to excrete the necessary amounts of insulin to combat the sugar you consume can be disastrous to your body. Foods that are higher in carbohydrates and sugar content notoriously affect resting blood sugar levels.

However, new research that was posted in the Journal of Nutritional Science found no correlation between fasting blood glucose, insulin resistance or fasting blood insulin levels, and 100 percent juice. The study showed that the consumption of 100 percent fruit juice is not associated with an increase in the risk of developing diabetes.

While this sounds good, it seems a bit suspect as many juices that claim to be 100 percent juice are also incredibly high in sugar and carbs, which clearly aggravate blood sugar levels. Now, there are some juices that are lower in sugar and are considered pure and natural 100 percent juice that may only have imperceptible effects on blood sugar - certain juices such as 100 percent cranberry, blueberry or pomegranate. But to assert that any 100 percent juice option would yield the same results is frankly incorrect.

This is precisely why nutritionists and doctors recommend a diet low in sugar and carbs for those who are suffering from diabetes or are pre-diabetic. According to the American Diabetes Association, roughly 90 percent of 29 million people who suffer from this disease have the type 2 form. This is the kind that can be developed through poor eating habits, lack of exercise as well as genetic disposition.

Do Your Own Research

Managing diabetes is typically done by managing weight, eating a healthy diet and living an active lifestyle. However, there is a difference between what actually constitutes a healthy diet as many individuals who suffer from this condition do well on a diet rich in protein and healthy fats and low in sugar and carbs. The traditional American diet has lamented that fat is what makes individuals fat and sick.

However, more evidence is being uncovered that it's actually the carb and sugar count of foods that can potentially endanger our health. Why is it that this misinformation regarding low-fat foods, that are then just pumped with unnecessary carbs to make up for taste, are pushed as the best type of diet, yet that diet has only contributed to the influx of the condition to begin with?

It's worthwhile to do your own research around what types of foods make your body and mind feel and react the best. Some people are notoriously sensitive to dairy, some individuals have lost quite a bit of weight cutting out meat products from their diets, while some have completely rectified their blood sugar and cholesterol levels by opting for a diet rich in animal protein, healthy fats and minimal carbs. Everything doesn't work for everybody but there are certain patterns that can be seen in patients who are sensitive to sugar and carbs that should not be overlooked.

Do necessary tests on your blood sugar if you are going to partake in consistent consumption of 100 percent fruit juice. There may be some options that don't impact your blood sugar too severely but not all 100 percent fruit juice will leave your blood sugar levels in healthy spaces. It's important to know what works specifically for you and understand the juice you should be drinking.

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Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com.


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