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OraMD Dr. Bass Toothbrush - 3 Pack, OraMD Pure Unwaxed Dental Floss - 3 Pack - Subscribe & Save 15%

OraMD Dr. Bass Toothbrush - 3 Pack, OraMD Pure Unwaxed Dental Floss - 3 Pack - Subscribe & Save 15%

by Trusted Health Products

Regular price $16.98 Sale

What you need to know about our product


Dr. Charles C. Bass, a medical doctor and dean of Tulane University School of Medicine spent 20 years of his life researching and developing the optimal oral hygiene method. His legacy is a revolutionary designed toothbrush and brushing technique. When Dr. Bass died at 100 years of age he had all his teeth.

The Dr. Bass toothbrush has 3 rows of bristles, 6 tufts to a row, evenly spaced. This toothbrush design allows the bristles to enter the gum line crevice to remove foreign particles, bacteria, plaque thereby reducing cavities and preventing gum infection. The body is made of a polypropionate substance which is biodegradable.

The bristle length is 13/32 of an inch long and .007 inches in diameter. This allows the bristle to bend effectively and penetrate deeper into the pits, grooves, depressions and narrow spaces on and in between the teeth.

The soft nylon bristle is rounded at the top and not cut across the top like other toothbrushes. This prevents scratching, puncturing, and tearing of the gum tissue and scraping of the tooth enamel when vigorously brushing. This toothbrush will not harm the soft gum tissue or push it away from the roots. If bleeding persists it could be a sign of gum problems.

Colors chosen at random.


For optimal oral care, be sure to floss once per day with our OraMD pure unwaxed, unscented, chemical free nylon floss.

Effectively removes plaque, food and foreign particles between teeth and just below the gum line

Satin like texture, shred and break resistant

Ideal for sensitive gums

Slides easily in tight spaces, unwaxed floss is thinner

Sure grip

54.6 yards of floss

Vegan, paraben-free, cruelty-free

No chemical or synthetic fragrances

No chemical waxes (floss wax is 20% paraffin wax and 80% petroleum chemical wax)

No chemical PFA’s or Teflon-like substances that contain PFC’s (used to manufacture and coat floss) One study found that women who flossed with Oral-B Glide floss had higher levels of a chemical called perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS) in their blood than women who didn’t use that type of floss. These chemicals have been linked to liver damage, harm to the immune system, developmental issues, cancer, and can persist in people’s bodies and in the environment for many years.

The wax used in conventional floss is 20% paraffin wax (bee’s wax) and
80% microcrystalline which is a chemical wax that comes from the petroleum industry. Microcrystalline waxes are derived from the refining of the heavy distillates from lubricant oil production. This by-product must then be de-oiled at a wax refinery, and then have its odor and color removed by hydro-treating the wax material.

Flossing can improve the health of your gums and is an important oral hygiene practice.

Flossing does about 40% of the work required to remove sticky bacteria, or plaque, from your teeth. Most plaque hardens within 48 hours of formation, and within several days it will become so hard that it is almost impossible to remove. Tooth decay and serious gum problems can develop when plaque is allowed to build up on teeth and along the gum line.

The places where the gums and teeth meet are where flossing plays its major role. Tiny particles of food can get lodged here, and plaque in this area will harden and accumulate over time to form tartar, a thick deposit that only the dentist can remove with a scraper. Tartar buildup can lead to gingivitis: red, swollen gums that are the first stage of gum disease. If left unchecked, the bacteria-laden tartar and plaque can spread even deeper below the gum line, causing periodontitis: severe gum disease characterized by severe inflammation and eventual tooth and bone loss.



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