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Stay Healthy, the Natural Way
How To Prevent And Treat Tooth Loss When You're Older
Reviewed By Ray Spotts As the body ages, some of its systems seem to be less resilient than one might remember in their youth. Teeth can be one of the areas of the body that see the effects of aging, if for no other reason than a lifetime of erosion from foods and beverages. It's normal for even people who brush daily to see some signs of tooth wear as they age. However, there are ways to treat and fight against actually losing teeth with age.
4 Foods To Avoid If You Want To Take Extra Good Care Of Your Teeth
Many tasty and supposedly healthy foods and drinks can cause plaque – a sticky film that forms when bacteria in the mouth break down carbohydrates by releasing acids.
How Do You Stop Tonsil Stones?
Tonsil stones can form in almost anyone and they may be small and mostly harmless, or they may become problematic causing pain, infections, and difficulty eating and swallowing.
What Happens When You Put Off Going To The Dentist?
Do you know what happens when you put off going to the dentist?
3 Ways To Treat Sore Gums
When gums become sore it can make eating and drinking hard and the discomfort can last for days, so it is important to treat them as soon as possible.
6 Tips To Get The Most From An Invisalign Treatment
Here are the six top tips on how to wear your Invisalign.
How To Handle Your Child’s Dental Anxiety
Reviewed By Ray Spotts Not that many adults look forward to going to the dentist. As you may have guessed, children are even less enthused about it. However, for some kids, they become absolutely terrified of visiting the dentist. It’s called dentophobia and may arise if they’ve had negative dental experiences in the past or from what they’ve heard from their parents, siblings or friends.
How Can I Get Rid Of Oral Thrush?
Reviewed By Ray Spotts Oral thrush is a yeast infection that occurs within the mouth and is most common in young children but can develop in adults as well. It can be passed from one person to another and is often passed amongst children through sharing of toys or in families by sharing eating utensils.
Link Between Gum Disease And Alzheimer's
Recent studies have been showing a potential link between bacteria that causes gum disease may have a link to Alzheimer’s.
4 Tips For Keeping Your Teeth Healthy As You Age
Here are four tips to consider to keep your teeth healthy as you age.
How To Treat Gum Boils
Reviewed By Ray Spotts A gum boil can occur any time, and is most often a sign of bacterial infection that requires treatment from a dentist or doctor. Gum boils begin as small lumps on the gums, can occur anywhere along the gums, and last for days or weeks if not treated. They are often painful, and that pain is usually the first indicator that there is a problem.
How To Brush Your Child’s Teeth
Reviewed By Ray Spotts As a parent, you have an important role to play in your child’s healthy smile and one of the most important things you can do is help them brush their teeth. The American Dental Association recommends that as soon as you start to see your baby's teeth come in, they need to be cleaned.