The Health Blog
Stay Healthy, the Natural Way
Oral Pain Symptoms And Concerns
Oral pain is always a sign that something is wrong, but sometimes it can present itself as something different.
5 Important Dental Care Tips For Seniors
Let's examine five essential practices to include in your daily routine.
Cavities And Other Minor But Common Health Concerns For Kids
Written By Anica Oaks / Reviewed By Ray Spotts Children are full of curiosity and wonder, which often leads them to contracting minor illnesses. These illnesses can keep them out of school but can usually be cared for with a doctor's care. Keep an eye out for these health concerns in your child so they can get the help they need as soon as possible.
4 Important Reasons For Taking Your Kids To Early Childhood Dental Visits
Here are four reasons why you shouldn't put off those early childhood dental visits.
How To Brush And Floss Correctly
Reviewed By Ray Spotts Keeping teeth brushed and flossed twice a day helps maintain healthy teeth and a healthy smile, but doing so correctly is even better. To brush teeth properly is to remove all the food particles and residue off the teeth using small circles on the surface of the tooth after flossing thoroughly.
Best Dental Habits For Long-Term Health
Written By Kassandra Foreman / Reviewed By Ray SpottsOral health is important not only for your teeth but also for your overall health. Poor oral health can lead to increased risk of heart disease, heart attack, stroke, and many other maladies.Preventative dental care is an important part of health care and regular dental appointments should be maintained, as well as proper brushing and frequent flossing at home. Having the proper tools makes this easier and will achieve better results, starting with a natural toothpaste, a good toothbrush, and floss, while a Waterpik can also help.
Dry Mouth – Why You Get It And What You Can Do
Written By Kassandra Foreman / Reviewed By Ray Spotts When the mouth does not create enough saliva to keep damp it becomes dry, and that is referred to as dry mouth. Dry mouth has a few different causes, and the treatments may vary depending upon the cause.
How Can Removable Aligners Be Healthier For Teeth Than Metal Braces?
Reviewed By Ray Spotts While traditional metal braces can be highly effective for certain patients, they do come with quite a few drawbacks. If you or a loved one is struggling with misaligned teeth, then you might want to take a closer look at the many benefits of removable aligners.
Antibiotics For Tooth Infections
Written By Kassandra Foreman / Reviewed By Ray SpottsA tooth infection can be a very painful experience and can spread to other areas of the mouth as well as into the body. For these reasons it is important to see a dentist for any and all instances of infection within the mouth.
Aging Teeth? Cosmetic Dental Procedures That Will Improve Your Smile
Written By Emma Sturgis / Reviewed By Ray SpottsPeople hardly associate anti-aging with the dental field. If your teeth are aging, which are the suitable cosmetic dental procedures that can help improve your smile? The recommended cosmetic dental procedures include the following.
When Should You Get A Dental Filling?
The most common reason for a dental filling is a cavity in the tooth. A cavity forms when the enamel of the tooth is worn away and a hole is created, leaving the inner parts of the tooth exposed.
Gingivitis: How To Prevent It And What To Do If You Have It
Written By Kassandra Foreman / Reviewed By Ray SpottsGingivitis symptoms include swelling and discomfort in the gums. The gums will appear red rather than a healthy pink, and bleeding will ensue upon brushing. In some cases gums may bleed even when not brushing, as the inflammation and swelling will create irritation around the teeth leading to bleeding.