The Health Blog
Stay Healthy, the Natural Way
What Is Pennyroyal Oil?
Pennyroyal is a substance that comes from bees and has a significant amount of protein inside, which is a natural remedy for many things.
Consistent Exercise Will Keep Older Adults' Lungs Strong
Reviewed By Ray Spotts Our organs change and shift as we become older. There is more attention that must be paid to keeping them as healthy as possible. With certain environmental factors as a conduit to lung issues, a study found that consistent exercise has shown to keep the ability of lungs at a healthy level in aging adults. There is an exchange of gases that the lungs partake in: one being oxygen and the other being carbon dioxide. Oxygen is for the body and carbon dioxide is expelled from the body.
What You Should Know About Breast Cancer
One imperative aspect of prevention of this disease is early detection. Thankfully, there are over three million breast cancer survivors in the country today largely because of the initiatives that have been rolled out in conjunction with raising awareness.
High Weight And Heightened Blood Pressure May Cause Heart To Work Harder
Reviewed by Ray Spotts For years we have been told that there is a direct correlation between high blood pressure, weight issues and heart problems. In a new research study conducted in the United Kingdom, the direct damage is being researched and uncovered. When someone is carrying extra weight on their body, it can explicitly change the weight and size of the heart as well. This complicates the way that the heart performs and can also be affected by high blood pressure rates as well.
The Benefits Of Mindfulness To Health
The study took a group of people who only got a minimal amount of exercise per week and exposed them to specific health-minded messaging. The researchers then took notes on the perceived motivation to change and improve behavior as well as if said behavior did change in subsequent weeks. The mindfulness factor was gauged by certain tests and questionnaires. Those who scored the highest in mindfulness were the ones that seemed more motivated to change their behavior and more apt to actually do so.
Study Finds Restless Leg Syndrome Has Specific Risk Variants
Another link that hasn't been thoroughly extrapolated or uncovered is what very commonly causes pregnant women to experience restless legs syndrome? The added pressure that carrying a baby causes on the body seems like the likely answer, but it would be interesting to find out if the correlation is deeper and more intrinsic than that. Another part of future studies researchers have an interest in uncovering is the basis of the most universally positive treatment option that most will react favorably towards.
Radon: Growing Links To Cancer?
Because radon is odorless and tasteless, so many that are affected by it have virtually no idea. However, what researchers did find was that purchasing rubber covers for pump holes or sealing off basement cracks, where the remnants of radon can seep in, is actually a pretty easy fix. It also costs less than a couple thousand dollars.
Could A Lab Chip That Monitors Health Improve It?
Reviewed By Ray Spotts When it comes to technological innovations in the medical field, there is so much potential that may be untapped. Rutgers University researchers compiled a hypothesis to determine what would happen if a device or chip could monitor certain aspects of an individual's ever-changing health. Certain biomarkers show up via sweat or blood throughout the day and can show signs of specific health issues. Things like protein levels, exposure to bacteria and heart health can be readily read and available via a chip.
What Is Seje Oil?
Seje oil itself is derived from the oenocarpus bataua plant, which is indigenous to specific parts of the world like Brazil, Colombia, Guyanas, Bolivia and Venezuela. It has also been found growing in certain parts of the Amazon. The fruit is typically gathered during a specific harvesting season when it is retrieved after falling to the ground. This oil is high in a myriad of nutrients and positively impacting acids such as linolenic, palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acids. It is also incredibly high in stigmasterol and beta-sitosterol.
Winter Is The Best Season To Get Allergies Under Control
While many food allergies are found when individuals are much younger, sometimes allergies are developed later on in life. Make sure to keep your allergies in mind, as well as potential triggers for others in your close-knit circle of family and friends. No one wants to have a poor reaction that lands them in urgent care during the festive and fun holidays.