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7 Facts About Organic Food That Will Impress Your Friends

Trusted Health Products

One topic that inspires a lot of interest is organic food, because it is one of those full-circle lessons about progress, evaluation, and change. 

Share the following 7 facts about organic food to impress and inform your friends.

1) A Quick Fix Is Not Always The Best Fix

In order to keep crops safe from predators, additives were given to seeds, soils and plants. That led to chemical dusting, as well as redesigning genetic structure to provide faster, larger crops. The swiftness of food delivery increased while food quality decreased. The attempt to solve the problem resulted in toxins to: 

  • Soil
    All living things

2) Cleanup Is In Progress

The past few decades have produced remedies for the quick fix that actually caused so much harm in the environment. Once we realized we were poisoning everything, not just the bugs, a cleanup began to repair the soil, air, and water.

3) Organic Farming And Health Go Hand In Hand

It's really quite simple. Our bodies need healthy foods to grow. The fewer chemicals and preservatives in food, the better. Taste is what encourages us to eat certain foods, and naturally grown and ripened foods taste best!

4) Container Gardens Fit Anywhere

Container gardening is fun. Any geometric shape can hold soil for planting, and the containers can be layered when space is limited. Add fresh herbs, bush squash, and bush beans to other crops like carrots and onions. Save money while enjoying the fruits of your labor.

5) Preparing Organic Soil Takes Time And Effort

Even preparing a small area for organic gardening takes time. Ready the soil by using organic compost. Measure the pH balance of the soil to determine the acidity level, as that affects what grows successfully in that location. Other concerns include sun, shade and drainage.

6) Grow The Perfect Organic Strawberry

Strawberries are one of the plants that thrive and produce well in organic soil. They prefer an acidity level ranging between 5.5 - 6.5. Raise the level by scattering pine needles on the ground. Acidity increases as the needles decompose. Farm lore suggests the best time to transplant strawberries is on a cloudy day when roots are encouraged to take a firm hold on the soil. Productivity indicates the Mesabi strawberry is perfect for most organic gardens because:

It withstands heat and cold

Its resistance to red stele disease is remarkably high

It is an early, prolific producer, providing delicious berries in June

7) The End Of World Hunger

The success and popularity of soil-based organic gardening has given birth to offshoots like organic hydroponic and aquaponics systems. These alternative methods make it possible for enough food delivery to end world hunger.

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Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com.

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